My Inspiration

My garden designs are inspired first and foremost by my love of nature. I spend a lot of time outside, walking in the countryside, camping, and wildlife watching. Intricate plant communities, the colour and texture of stone, the play of light through woodland, and observing finely balanced ecosystems are an endless source of fascination to me.

Alicja Nowak - coastal walking
Pollinator friendly planting
Blue tit on colourful Cornus stems
Orange-tip butterfly
Small stream, dappled sunlight - Cornwall
Small Copper butterfly
Dry stone walls - North York Moors
Alicja rescued a newly hatched dragonfly
Alicja birdwatching in Poole Harbour
Fox moth caterpillar - covered in dew

My designs are also motivated by practical considerations; as a keen gardener myself, I know how important it is for a space to function both practically and aesthetically. I take great pride in my allotment, growing the stalwarts as well as trying out more unusual vegetables. I practise organic and no-dig methods to protect and nurture the soil biodiversity, whilst flowers and even (some!) weeds are welcomed to provide a haven for pollinators and cover for the local frog population. My small, urban garden is also bursting with plants, and I have been delighted to witness an increase in the number and diversity of insects over the years.

Alicja Nowak's allotment
Alicja tending tomatoes
Ladybird on rosemary
Rose Chafer feeding on poached egg plant
Alicja harvesting kohlrabi
Alicja harvesting carrots
Homegrown sweet peas

I take every opportunity I can to explore new places. Appreciating different architectural styles is just as inspiring as being immersed in a natural landscape or a garden full of exciting plants.

I love using my experiences to inform my designs, and feel very privileged to be able to draw upon these interests in my work.

Autumn woodland with copper bracken
Rusting metal on a beach - Bryher, Isles of Scilly
Wildflowers growing on the cliff edge - South west coast path
Castlefield viaduct - Manchester
Serpentine rock at Cadgwith Cove, Cornwall
Alicja enjoys autumn colour at RHS Bridgewater