I maintain, manage and improve ornamental borders - weeding, planting, dividing and replanting perennials, pruning shrubs, and caring for fruit trees. I work in vegetable gardens, tending crops and helping to manage pests. I can also assist with composting.

I use sustainable, environmentally friendly horticultural practises to nurture soil health and biodiversity, which will help your plants grow whilst simultaneously providing a much-needed home for wildlife.

I am very happy to be directed by you, focusing on the jobs you would like me to work on. I am equally comfortable working independently, systematically addressing key priorities and carefully tending your garden.

Please note: I do not carry out hedge trimming, lawn mowing, or tree work.

Garden Maintenance

Springtime border - client's garden
Summer border full of Nepeta, Alchemilla mollis, pale pink geraniums and roses - client's garden
Roses - client's garden